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RD108 Slope Stability Flood System Repair Program (FSRP) Sites Project

Reclamation District 108 (RD 108), acting as the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) lead agency, has made available for public review and comment an Initial Study and proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the RD 108 Slope Stability Flood System Repair Program (FSRP) Sites Project (proposed project).

Project Location: The Project is located on two segments within the Colusa Basin Drainage Canal East Levee, one a 150-foot-long segment between Yolo County Line Road and White Road, and the other a 650-foot-long segment between White Road and Tule Road in Colusa County, California. A spoils area will be utilized and is located in Yolo County between County Road 108 and State Route 45.

Project Description: The Project is intended to repair two critical levee slip sites. The landside levee slopes in two locations have slipped causing deformation of the levee crowns and landside slopes. The Project is being performed to limit the potential risk of additional levee damage or failure. The Project proposes to conduct repairs along two segments of the Colusa Basin Drainage Canal East Levee: a 650-foot-long segment between Tule Road and White Road at Levee Mile 17.2 (Site A), and a 150-foot-long segment between Yolo County Line Road and White Road at Levee Mile 12.7 (Site B). The Project also proposes to use an optional spoils area for depositing excess excavated material (Spoils Area); this area is located in Yolo County between County Road 108 and State Route (SR) 45. The Project is composed of three separate sites that cumulatively total approximately 16.34 acres.

Potentially Significant Environmental Impacts: Potentially significant impacts to biological resources, cultural resources, paleontological resources, hazardous materials, and transportation were identified in the Initial Study. All impacts would be reduced to a less than significant level with the implementation of identified mitigation measures.

Hazardous Waste Sites: Pursuant to Section 15087(c)(6) of the Guidelines for California Environmental Quality Act, DGS acknowledges the non-existence of hazardous waste sites within the Project area reviewed by this Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND).

Public Review Period: The proposed project’s IS/MND is available for review from December 13, 2024, to January 13, 2025, and may be downloaded here:

Draft RD 108 ISMND w Apps.pdf

Adopted Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration: The proposed project’s IS/MND was adopted by the Board of Trustees on March 20, 2025, and may be downloaded here:

RD108 FSRP Sites_Final_ISMND_With Appendices_signed.pdf

Lead Agency Contact: Questions, comments, or requests for digital or physical copies may be directed to Ms. Meegan Nagy by email at; or in writing care of Reclamation District 108, PO Box 50, Grimes, CA 95950.